Acacia Tree Facts You Might Not Know | Fascinating Acacia Tree Facts

Acacia Tree Facts are so amazing and interesting that can leave you amazed. This tree is very famous for its beauty and charm. It not only has a beautiful appearance but provides numerous benefits. Some breathtaking facts about the acacia plant make you more interested and want it. Acacia trees are shrubs and are divided into 1300 species.

Each species of this tree has its beauty and benefits with amazing facts. Let’s dive into the facts about the acacia plant.

What is Acacia Tree?

The acacia tree is a shrub that grows under certain conditions in the tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world, especially in Australia and Africa.

It spreads vastly and over 1000 species of acacia tree are found in Australia. The deep brown trunk and long green leaves are the ultimate beauty of nature. The acacia flowers and the wood grain patterns have varying colors depending on the species.

Moreover, the tree also produces fruits and seeds while some of the flowers produce nectar through which you get high-quality acacia honey.

Acacia Facts

The acacia trees cultivate on well-drained soils with sunlight and partly shadow. These trees have changing heights and widths, different colors of floret and trees, and several designs and shades of wood.

It all depends on the species where these trees come from. Let’s discover more about the facts about the acacia tree.

Acacia Tree Facts

  • Acacia trees grow up to 40 feet usually while some species may reach 70 feet tall and 3 feet in diameter.
  • Most species of acacia have thick and dense green leaves while the trees that arise under arid conditions have fewer leaves. The leaves of acacia have a fern-like appearance.
  • The acacia that sprouts out of the Australian regions have sharp thorns that protect the plant from herbivores.
  • The African species of acacia having swollen thorns are the source of food and shelter for the stinging ants. These ants are beneficial for keeping the herbivores away.
  • Acacia trees have flowers that are in the form of clusters and each flower contains 5 petals. In addition, these are mostly yellow or white.
  • The flowers are highly fragrant and produce a mesmerizing fragrance. They have long stamens.
  • Further, the fruit of acacia is the dry pod that has 5 to 6 seeds in brown or black color.
  • Acacia trees can bloom by cutting or implanting seeds.
  • The seeds and shoots of acacia are used to make many dishes. American people like to have liqueur made with acacia flowers.
  • Leaves of acacia plants are the food for many animals such as goats, camels, and cattle.
  • Acacia trees can survive 122 F temperature in the daytime and freezing temperature at night.
  • Many organizations use acacia flowers to produce elegant fragrances.
  • Acacia wood is hardwood and is durable. In the past, people used this wood for the manufacturing of boats.
  • Nowadays, it is very useful for making furniture, flooring, kitchen utensils, and other goods.
  • The leaves and bark of the acacia tree are widely utilized in pharmaceutical products. It is good for healing some health issues.
  • Gum arabic taken from the African species of acacia is utilized for the manufacturing of soft drinks. Additionally, it also works as a thickening agent for frozen desserts. Ancient people took advantage of it for making paints and cures.
  • These rees have a short lifetime. Acacia lives only about 15 to 30 years.
  • The scientific name of acacia tree is Acacia Nilotica.

Acacia Wood Facts

Acacia Wood

  • Acacia wood is hardwood and is very durable. This wood is dense and can withstand any climatic conditions.
  • It has the natural ability to resist bacteria because it is very dense. Therefore, it is used for making dining tables for preserving food from bacteria.
  • Since acacia wood is very durable and strong it was utilized for the manufacturing of boats in ancient times. In addition, these days acacia wood is brought into play for making various furniture designs.
  • Acacia wood is very much in demand because of its beautiful grain pattern and a wide variety of colors. The house owners prefer this wood for their houses. It adds beauty to any place.
  • The acacia wood originated from Australia and is native to that region.
  • It is not only hard but also very easy to mold into various shapes and designs.
  • The acacia wood is water-resistant and this is the reason why people prefer outdoor furniture made with acacia.
  • Any type of pests or fungi does not affect acacia wood. It is one of the best woods for the balcony or garden furniture.
  • It is the hardwood that appears in many colors ranging from light browns to dark browns with reddish-brown veins. Moreover, they also have varying grain patterns.
  • The acacia tree wood is naturally smooth and has a warm tone. It is very beautiful.
  • When the acacia tree gets older the sapwood becomes narrower that surrounds the heartwood.
  • If the acacia tree is growing under the light and it is highly exposed to lighting its heartwood starts turning darker.
  • The pores of the wood start shrinking over time and are tighter than the ones the young acacia trees have.
  • Acacia wood is commonly used for making furniture. Since it is a durable wood therefore it is best for furniture making.
  • The acacia wood is utilized for making various dishes and also acts as a thickening agent. It is also used in soft drinks.
  • It is not only limited to furniture making but also used for making beautiful decoration pieces.
  • For houses, acacia wood is very useful for flooring. The floors of acacia give a warm and cozy feel.

Umbrella Thorn Acacia Tree Facts

Umbrella Thorn Acacia Facts

  • The umbrella thorn acacia got its name because of the top flat crown. The thorn acacia tree is 20 m high.
  • This acacia tree has twisted and rough branches.
  • There are two types of acacia thorns on the branches these are long, straight, and brown. The second type has shorter hooked spikes that grow side by side.
  • Its bark is very rough and gray.
  • The sharp barbs of this tree hide them among the bunches of flowers. They bloom on a twig on the acacia tree and are 400 in each cluster with white color.
  • Its leaves are 2.5 cm long and 1 mm wide. These are located on the central rib of the tree.
  • The roots of the umbrella acacia tree go deep up to 115 ft under the ground. This makes it easier for the tree to get water in dry weather.
  • Its little prickles prevent water loss in the tree.
  • The other pair of roots spread on a wide area that is twice the width of the crown under the ground.
  • Its thorns are very useful for keeping the animals of the savanna away from the tree as it is their source of food.
  • The pods are used for making the porridge while the bark is used as a disinfectant.

Acacia Gum Nutrition Facts

The acacia gum plant is derived from “Acacia Siyal”, Acacia Senegal, and Wild now var. Senegal. These acacia trees produce a sticky gum that has a glassy appearance which we call hard gum. Moreover, it is in pale orange-brown color.

  • It provides some healing properties which are why it works best for eye infections and inflammations. In addition, it is very good for healing sore throats and urinary problems.
  • Another species of acacia Acacia Catechu is very useful for dental products such as mouthwash. It prevents gingivitis. Many organizations produce acacia powder and toothpaste. These products show clear results of removing the plaque.
  • Acacia gum is a good source of fiber. Research shows that 15 grams of gum in the fluid form helps to manage the cholesterol levels in the blood. Furthermore, it has WSDF (water-soluble dietary fibers) which help maintain the body mass ratio and cardiovascular health.
  • It is used in a large number of products such as chewy candies, sweets, mascaras, and soft drinks. It also acts as a stabilizer, dietary fiber, and thickening agent.
  • Aside from food products, it is also used by many manufacturers for producing high-quality alcohol. It is very good for the wine’s stability in the bottle. Additionally, it keeps the level of organoleptic characteristics in the wine.
  • It is one of the best gums and a natural stabilizer in various cosmetics such as lotions, mascaras, etc. furthermore, it works best for texturing and thickening cosmetic products.

Acacia Senegal Tree Facts

Acacia Senegal Facts

It is the average-sized shrub having thorns in the African regions of Savanna.

  • The acacia Senegal tree grows up to 20 meters tall and its branches spread out on a wide area.
  • Its branches have thorns and are in pairs.
  • The leaves have a gray-green color while the flowers are yellow or cream-colored.
  • Acacia Senegal flowers blossom above the prickles and form pods of 8 inches long and 2-3 inches wide. They are in yellowish-brown color.
  • These trees flourish in areas where there is a rainfall of 12 to 15 inches. The Senegal trees can survive for 5 to 11 months a year without rain.
  • As the rainy season ends the trunk produces gum or gum arabic. You can stock it from December to June.
  • It also provides shelter and food for many animals such as giraffes, elephants, etc.

Acacia Fiber Nutrition Facts

Acacia trees are full of nutrition that helps maintain the health and growth of the body. Here’s the table of the nutrients one tablespoon of acacia powder provides.

Nutrients Amount
Calories 25
Total fat 0g
Sodium 0%
Carbohydrates 6g
Net carbs 0g
Fiber 24%
Protein 0g

Interesting Facts About Acacia Trees

Acacia trees have some very interesting facts that may amaze you. Here is the list of these interesting facts below.

  • Acacia trees are the source of food and shelter for many animals who eat the leaves of the tree as well.
  • The tree increases the fertility of the soil by maintaining the nitrogen level of the soil.
  • You can find acacia gum in your daily use products such as chewing candies, and soft drinks. Additionally, you can also find it in mascaras and skin lotions, etc.
  • In ancient times, acacia gum has been used since 2650 BC for manufacturing the bandages for mummies.
  • As acacia trees can flourish in the dry areas as well, therefore, they are a great source of income for the poor people in the Sahel.
  • It is completely organic and can absorb the water under the ground.
  • When there is no rainfall the acacia tree because of its ability to hold water supplies water to the grasslands.
  • It is a shelter for the birds as well.
  • The roots of acacia trees have an amazing system of absorbing water from the ground without causing degradation.

Catclaw Acacia Tree Facts

Catclaw Acacia Facts

Catclaw acacia is native to Northern Mexico. It is commonly known as a wait-a-minute bush.

  • Catclaw acacia (Acacia Gregg) was named after Josiah Gregg who traveled through the Southwest and gathered data about various trees. Later on, he became a part of the biological expedition.
  • It is one of the thickest plants having sharp thorns that can easily tear your clothes or skin.
  • Catclaw trees can develop their height up to 5 to 12 feet long and may go beyond that.
  • It also produces fragrant creamy flowers from spring through fall.
  • The amazing thing about the catclaw acacia is that it attracts many honeybees and butterflies. As it produces nectar that is why they sit a lot on it.


The acacia wood contains incredible features along with beauty. This wood has so many benefits and the gum it produces is used in so many products of daily use. It is not only consumed for making furniture but also in making food products and cosmetics and much more. Acacia wood keeps some interesting facts that you might not know.

I hope you learned a lot from our article on Acacia Tree Facts. If you know any interesting facts about acacia that we missed, do share them with us in the comments section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q) What is special about the Acacia tree?

Answer: The Acacia tree is special because it has a deep and wide root system, which enables the acacia to grow in areas with little water. The wood from this tree can also be used as a strong and long-lasting building material.

Q) Do acacia trees grow in the UK?

Answer: No, Acacia trees are not native to the UK. They grow mainly in Australia and Africa.

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